Analysis - Data types

Data types in the analysis are used for type checking and data transfer between actions.

Basic data types


# type definition
a = Bool()

# value definition
b = Bool(True)


# type definition
a = Int()

# value definition
b = Int(2)


# type definition
a = Float()

# value definition
b = Float(2.0)


# type definition
a = String()

# value definition
b = String("text")


Enum is a descendant of String. In addition, it contains a list of values that may be assigned to it.

# type definition
a = Enum(["option1", "option2"])

# value definition
b = Enum(["option1", "option2"], "option1")

Composite data types

Composite types allow data to be organized into larger units.


It is like a Python dictionary where the keys are string-only. The specific type of struct is given by the names of its keys and the types of their values.

# type definition
a = Struct(x=Int(), y=String())

# value definition
b = Struct(x=Int(1), y=String("text"))

# access to items
bx = b.x
by = b.y


Python tuple, fixed length and fixed (but possibly different) types. It is like the Struct type, where natural numbers (from zero) are used as keys.

# type definition
a = Tuple(Int(), String())

# value definition
b = Tuple(Int(1), String("text"))

# access to items
b0 = b[0]
b1 = b[1]


Data set of the same type without any order. Output of some generators. Input of reduction operations. Operations for all elements using the ForEach action. For a type tree, it contains only one type with an internal type.

# type definition
a = Ensemble(Int())

# value definition
b = Ensemble(Int(), Int(1), Int(2), Int(3))


He’s a descendant of Ensemble. Additionally, the order of elements is defined and has operations:

  • head - selects the first element

  • tail - selects the last element

# type definition
a = Sequence(Int())

# value definition
b = Sequence(Int(), Int(1), Int(2), Int(3))

# access to items
head = b.head()
tail = b.tail()

Examples of more complicated data structures

# Ensemble of struct with item "a" of type Int and item "b" with type String
en = Ensemble(Struct(a=Int(), b=String()),
              Struct(a=Int(1), b=String("t1"))
              Struct(a=Int(2), b=String("t2"))
              Struct(a=Int(3), b=String("t3"))

 # type of "en" is:
 t = Ensemble(Struct(a=Int(), b=String()))